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Rail News: May 2003

May 30

CSXT bestows award to Michigan business-development backers

Freight forwarder opens cross-dock facility near CPR's Calgary intermodal terminal

Genesee & Wyoming appoints first legal senior VP, obtains new board members

STB could function as single-member body, but bi-partisan, multi-member board is best, says Nober

Sound Transit, BNSF reach preliminary agreement to extend Sounder commuter-rail service

NJ Transit opens renovated coastal station, contributes to Sept. 11 fund

NJ Transit, UTU reach tentative agreement

Metra opens two new stations

May 29

Grupo TMM hires investment banker to help with creditor crunch

Vermont Railway to offer Chicago-to-West Coast trailer service

Wabtec's Down Under subsidiary obtains rail-car component orders

Johnstown America signs five-year labor contract for Freight Car Services

May 28

Canadian food shipper's planned distribution center suits CPR's intermodal strategy

UP shuffles senior-management deck

KCS to build bigger plastic-transloading center in Kansas City

Canadian governments commit funds toward Windsor-to-Detroit rail tunnel

Container security: Two suppliers propose 'smart' technology targeting real-time location, status

Bombardier/Alstom consortium receives $247 million order from German railway

California High Speed Rail Authority rejects beach alignment proposal

GO Transit recognized for near-collision reporting program

Study analyzes fire safety on North Carolina passenger line

May 27

GAO report recommends 'redundant' rail-security plan, AAR says

CPR orders 600 centerbeam cars from Greenbrier

CSX makes law-department management changes

NS' Mannas earns AAR's award for haz-mat safety contributions

CPR seeks short-line buyers for three southern Saskatchewan lines

Pacific Harbor Line to test RailPower's Green Goat in Los Angeles

Metra earns silver Harriman for employee safety

NYCT awards station-rehab design contract

May 23

BNSF sees injury-reducing results from safety campaign

International Steel Group seeks STB approval to acquire Bethlehem Steel's eight short lines

Rail-, truck-industry volunteers form group to zero in on crossing collisions

CSXT, CSXI join U.S. Customs' anti-terrorism program

Los Angeles MTA approves FY 2004 budget that's short on state funds

BART adopts FY 2004 budget

Alcatel to install CBTC systems in Korea, China

NFTA gives final go-ahead for fare increase

May 22

Coalition backs 'safe highways' bill; railroads turn to legislation to regain business 'lost to trucks,' ATA says

RailAmerica drops bid for Tranz Rail

Politicians, rail-industry experts consider roads' congestion-relieving role at Capitol Hill conference

AMSTED appoints Fischer as VP, CFO

May 21

BNSF establishes subsidiary to market cargo-handling expertise

NS obtains software to provide paper-free service-contract processing

Canadian prime-minister candidate Martin backs railroad running rights

Bombardier receives $76 million locomotive contract from Swiss railway

Pursuing BC Rail: CPR expects to submit operator bid

BART awards $2.2 million contract to Cubic to add parking charges to transit tickets

Ridership swells on Amtrak's New Orleans-to-New York City route

CTA to realign Harrison Curve

May 20

This just in: News from ASLRRA's annual meeting

BRS to relocate headquarters from Illinois to Virginia

BNSF honors OmniTRAX subsidiary's lift-securing success

New Class III to build, operate line serving Texas quarry

May 19

Safety streak: NS earns 14th straight Harriman gold

Two Hammond winners: CSXT, Montana Rail Link employees earn rail-safety award

Emissions and efficiency: ASME sponsors event to facilitate internal combustion engine info-sharing

Metra to add parking at various stations

BART seeks public input on fare increase, preliminary budget

Los Angeles County MTA receives federal security funding

Alaska Railroad opens airport station

May 16

British Columbia begins private-operator search for BC Rail

Morgan's STB tenure comes to a close

UP, CSXI provide new domestic-container program

FRA awards million-dollar grant to Operation Lifesaver

Strategic Rail Finance set to launch small-road-promoting campaign

FTA grants Blue Line funds to WMATA

Tri-Met receives USDOT grant for Interstate MAX

MBTA seeks public input on Urban Ring

Metra receives STAR line support from regional-plan-promoting organization

May 15

SAFETEA lends 'forward-thinking approach' to nation's transportation challenges, AAR says

RailAmerica subsidiary offers $90 million for New Zealand's Tranz Rail

Pioneer Railcorp reports record-breaking first-quarter 2003 results

ICON Capital Corp. raises equity with equipment-leasing investment program

SAFETEA doesn't meet public transit needs, APTA says

May 14

'SAFETEA': Bush Administration releases $247 billion surface transportation reauthorization proposal

Rail America extends coal-transportation contract terms

NYRR signs long-term lease with Conrail for New Jersey yard

Sound Transit proposes agreement for Central Link operator

Siemens brings communication platform to Belgian railway

Alcatel completes axle counter system installation for Norwegian State Railway

Minneapolis Metro Transit to install smart-card technology

May 13

286k: Regional, short-line execs continue to seek tax-credit bill co-sponsors

BNSF locomotive-maintenance workers remain injury-free nine years and counting

Coming soon: Electronic shipment monitoring at CSXI terminals

Canadian associations seek to resolve, prevent proximity-to-rail problems

May 12

STB gives San Jacinto's planned Houston line its final blessing

First on NAFTA Rail agenda: KCS acquires majority of Mexrail stock

Alaska Railroad begins to test train-control system, UTU says

STB doles out numerous decisions at open-voting conference

CPR receives national recognition for military-leave policy

Mobile theater to teach Los Angeles County residents rail safety

Akron Metro to acquire a portion of Akron Barberton Cluster Railway Co.'s line

Indiana Historical Society acquires railroad collection for research center

GO Transit sets new ridership record

May 9

April traffic: U.S. roads carried a tad more carloads and intermodal loads, AAR says

BNSF seeks better lube job to cut friction, save fuel

CPR consolidates employee benefits under one insurance carrier

TTX orders 2,200 cars to keep pace with increasing intermodal traffic

South Carolina small road set to acquire NS line

Chicago's Metra nets $51.1 million in FTA funding

Canada provides funds to prolong Quebec North Shore's passenger-rail service

NYCT awards subway-car contract to Kawasaki

Sound Transit receives $9.9 million from FTA for right-of-way acquisition

May 8

BNSF offers online invoicing system to transload partners

OmniTRAX appoints Earnshaw president of Colorado short line

Regional planning commission provides funds for rail-promoting projects in Pennsylvania

UP honors five firms as 'supplier of the year'

Greenbrier obtains more rail-car orders, reaches record backlog

NICTD proposes fare increase

Updated public-address systems provide WMATA passengers clearer messages

WMATA employees gain understanding of police tactics

Los Angeles County MTA sets six-year plan

May 7

GETS-Global Signaling to cut global workforce 11 percent

Scientific society honors CPR's operating-plan development

BNSF sets one-day vehicle-processing record at Texas terminal

Transport Canada to provide funds for crossing-safety improvements

Toyota bestows top service award to UP

In memoriam: Dr. John Dyer

Wabtec subsidiaries to provide passenger-car equipment to ALSTOM

SEPTA nearing completion of power-system upgrade project

WMATA station on track for 2004 opening

May 6

Contracts help extend Freight Australia's regional reach, ease grain dependence

Quarterly rail-car orders, deliveries validate a rebound, ARCI says

ASLRRA honors small-road marketing efforts

Kelso Technologies set to market 75-pound pressure-relief valve to railroads

May 5

Most signalmen support a strike, BRS says

BLE requests mediation in contract negotiations with carriers

BNSF to review mechanical-procedure safety with FRA, labor-union officials

Transportation execs talk security at Montreal summit

Los Angeles MTA's proposed budget includes capital-project funds, job cuts

DART considers service, job cuts to make up budget shortfall

NJ Transit dedicates renovated station to honor fallen female officer

Three audits find no fault with Sound Transit's finances

May 3

Survey: Majority of Windsor residents support Detroit River tunnel project

May 2

Proposed Houston line poses 'no significant' environmental concerns, STB says

KCS reorganizes operations department

Proposed repeal of Illinois' rolling-stock tax exemption rattles freight-transportation alliance

CN hands out awards honoring chemical shippers' safe-handling efforts

Tranz Rail targets rolling stock-refurbishment contracts, taps Loughlin as interim CFO

NJ Transit opens new station

Near-collision reporting program helps GO Transit crack down on aggressive drivers

Parsons obtains light-rail design contract for Charlotte, N.C.

Houston Metro unveils first light-rail vehicle

May 1

Eastern Class Is, New Jersey team up to tackle increasing truck traffic

Fuel, winter weather-related expenses contract CSX's first-quarter earnings

ASLRRA names numerous annual award winners

NS nabs two Toyota service-performance awards

AAR bestows environmental excellence awards

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May 2003


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