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SEPTA to gather more public comments on proposed fare increase


Later this month, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) plans to hold public hearings on the second phase of fare increases outlined in the authority’s fiscal-year 2005 operating budget contingency plan.

Last month, the board delayed implementing the plan until Feb. 27 because Gov. Edward Rendell pledged an additional $13 million in subsidies to help SEPTA address its $62 million operating budget.

In October, SEPTA held public hearings on the first phase of fare increases, a 25 percent across-the-board hike. The base cash fare would increase from $2 to $2.50.

Under a second phase, SEPTA would increase fares an average of 13 percent across the board and raise the base fare from $2.50 to $3.

The board might delay or eliminate all or part of the contingency plan should additional funds become available.