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The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) late last week opened a new Staten Island Railway station in Tottenville neighborhood on the southern portion of the island.The Arthur Kill Station is the Station Island Railway's first new station since the railroad was incorporated into the MTA network in 1971. The station replaced the Nassau and Atlantic stations, which will be demolished. The new station features platforms that accommodate the railroad's fleet of four-car trains and allow boarding at all doors, versus single-door boarding at the Nassau and Atlantic stations.Passenger amenities include customer assistance intercoms, bicycle racks and surveillance cameras. The station also features track, storm-proofed storage facilities and a heavier-duty drain system designed to be resilient against extreme weather."The new station is sorely needed and will finally offer local residents and visitors the kind of services and amenities that they deserve," said New York State Sen. Andrew Lanza (R-Staten Island) in a press release.