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Suppliers partner with U.K. universities to conduct rail research

Siemens, Alstom, Bombarider and other suppliers are providing funds to conduct the research.
Photo – University of Birmingham


A group of rail suppliers and eight United Kingdom universities have partnered to secure $118 million to perform rail research in the U.K.

The Higher Education Funding Council for England will provide $36 million, while a group of 17 industry partners will pick up the remaining $82 million. The latter group includes Alstom, Siemens and Bombardier Transportation.

The funding will be used to create three research centers focused on digital systems, rolling stock and infrastructure.

The centers will enable the U.K. rail supply industry to develop "world-leading new technologies and products for trains, railway systems and infrastructure," according to a press release issued by the University of Birmingham, where the digital systems center will be located.

"This investment brings together a range of British universities renowned for their expertise in railway research, backed by leading partners across the rail supply industry," said Gordon Wakeford, divisional managing director for Siemens Mobility U.K.

The partnership between the suppliers and universities is part of the newly created U.K. Railway Research and Innovation Network.