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Maryland Transit Administration adds fare inspectors to prevent freeloaders


This week, Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) assigned 10 fare inspectors to ensure passengers have valid passes on light-rail trains.

The inspectors are the first of 35 MTA will hire by year’s end to prevent passengers from attempting to ride trains for free. Once hiring is complete, at least one inspector will ride on each light-rail train seven days a week during regular service hours.

Inspectors will ask each passenger to show a valid light-rail ticket or pass. If a passenger doesn’t have a pass, they will have to exit the train at the next stop and purchase a ticket before re-boarding another train.

"Besides checking fares, fare inspectors … will be available to answer questions about light-rail service and to refer to landmarks and points of interest around the area," said MTA Administrator Robert Smith in a prepared statement. "Inspectors also will be trained in first aid and CPR to initially respond to an emergency if a passenger needs medical assistance."

In addition, inspectors will check for suspicious packages and activity onboard trains.