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CSXT, NIT League schedule forum to address shippers' service concerns


Last month, Union Pacific Railroad and the National Industrial Transportation League (NITL) held a forum in San Francisco to enable shippers to discuss their service concerns with UP executives. Now, CSX Transportation officials are giving their customers the same opportunity.

On June 10, CSXT and NITL execs plan to hold a forum in Atlanta to review the railroad's performance, present plans to improve sluggish service, and field shippers' questions and address problems. Attending execs will include CSX Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and CSXT President Michael Ward, CSXT Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Tony Ingram, CSXT Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer Clarence Gooden, and NITL President John Ficker.

"The goal is to create a constructive forum that provides all participants the opportunity to understand current service conditions and improvement actions under way," according to a forum invitation.