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AASHTO's board elects Steudle president and Lewis, VP


The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO) board has elected Michigan Transportation Director Kirk Steudle president and Rhode Island Transportation Director Michael Lewis, vice president for the next year.

Steudle began his career with the Michigan Department of Transportation in 1987 and has led the agency since 2006. As president, he will be responsible for emphasizing the implementation of new transportation technologies to reduce costs and improve the nation’s transportation system, AASHTO officials said in a prepared statement. Steudle also will be charged with pushing for a multi-year, well-funded surface transportation reauthorization bill in Congress and advocating for the expanded use of performance measures for infrastructure investments, they said.

“We as an industry are challenged with doing more with less,” Steudle said. “New technologies and innovative thinking — along with good stewardship of our existing resources — are part of how we are going to operate and maintain a world-class transportation system well into the future.”

Lewis has led the Rhode Island Department of Transportation since March 2008. He is overseeing the expansion of South County Commuter Rail via Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s service.